The 2017 Australian OSPAs


The Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs)  are pleased to announce the dates for the 2017 Australian awards. They will be working for the third year in a row with the prestigious, Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL).

The Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs) recognise and reward companies and individuals across the security sector. The OSPAs are designed to be both independent and inclusive, providing an opportunity for outstanding performers, whether buyers or suppliers, to be recognised and their success to be celebrated.

The criteria for these awards are based on extensive research on key factors that contribute to and characterise outstanding performance. This research can be found here: Aspiring to Excellencea Security Research Initiative report conducted by Perpetuity Research. The OSPAs are being set-up in collaboration with security associations and groups across many countries.

By researching and standardising the award categories and criteria, the OSPAs scheme provides an opportunity for countries to run their own evidence based OSPAs schemes while maintaining an ability to compete on an international level in the future, ‘World OSPAs’.

Core Values

  • Independent: The OSPAs are independent. You don’t have to be a member of an association to be involved – anyone from the security sector can enter a category which is relevant to them. The only requirement is that you have shown outstanding performance in your field.
  • Credible: The criteria for each award category have been carefully considered and based on extensive research across different security sectors and by looking at how outstanding performance is recognised and judged in other fields. There is strict criteria for who is appointed as a judge and for ensuring that judging decisions are fair and impartial.  Representatives from each country will assess entries and make the final decisions on the winners.
  • Transparent: We want everyone to know the criteria for entering, how judges are selected and how the judging process works, so these details are published on the website.
  • Respectable: The OSPAs will become a worldwide brand, generating honour and opportunities for our winners. Furthermore, winners will be widely recognised as driving outstanding performance across the sector.

Why enter the OSPAs?

There are many great reasons for entering the OSPAs:

  • Credibility– you will become part of an evidence based scheme which understands what ‘outstanding performance’ really means, and recognises it.
  • Gain Recognition and Brand Exposure – by joining the OSPAs you will become part of an international scheme recognised across the industry.
  • Value – by entering the OSPAs you will show people that you recognise the value of the security work carried out by your business.
  • Industry Benchmarking– you will be able to set yourself apart from the competition by committing to a scheme which rewards evidence based achievement and is committed to openness and credibility.
  • Business and Networking Opportunities– The OSPAs will bring together people from all over the industry, you’ll have the chance to meet new people and make important industry contacts.
  • The Awards Night– you will be a part of a brilliant and enjoyable event, that will be one of the premier nights on the security calendar.
  • Winners– You have the chance to become the winner of an OSPAs award, and to be promoted on both your country’s OSPA website and the Global OSPAs website. 

Who Can Enter?

Anyone working in the security sector of a country with an OSPAs scheme can enter. You don’t have to be a member of an organisation or association to do so.  The main criterion for entry is that you can show that you or your company have performed at an exceptional level. You are permitted to enter more than one award category.

How Do You Enter?

It is very simple to enter the OSPAs there are two simple questions to answer for each category and it can all be done online or via email. Simply visit