The Queensland (QLD) Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) recently announced that it is increasing its service options to enable individual class 1 or class 2 security providers to renew a licence online, following the OFT’s latest release of online services.
According the QLD OFT, Individual class 1 or class 2 security providers can now renew online as soon as they receive their renewal notice in the mail, through until midnight on the day a licence expires. Only a licence number is required to get started. Once the form is submitted, an applicant is deemed to be licensed until either a new license is received, or an application is refused, or withdrawn.
Currently, license holders will still receive a renewal form (first and final notice) in the mail which is why QLD OFT state that it is crucial for all license holders to keep the Office of Fair Trading informed of any change of address.
Paying Online
According to the Office of Fair Trading, license renewals can also now be paid for online using either Mastercard or Visa debit/credit card. OFT has also included a BPAY option, which users can access by choosing the ‘pay later’ option.
Obtaining a receipt to keep working.
The new system also removes the need to post your form back including payment or to travel to a counter to make sure your renewal form is in on time. With an emailed receipt option, users will have proof of their online form submission within minutes of lodging the form online. It is that simple.
Supply certified photographs.
Recent changes to security industry regulations mean license holders only need to supply photographs once every 10 years, unless one’s appearance has changed significantly since a photograph was last supplied. The online renewal option provides users with the date a photograph was last uploaded. In the even that a license holder is due to provide new photographs, instructions will be emailed after the renewal form has been completed.
Issue’s around refresher training.
With refresher training required for crowd controllers and bodyguards once every three years, the online renewal form will provide license holders with a list of refresher training modules that are due prior to the expiry date of a licence. It will also provide users the option to upload a copy (or copies) of any certificates or statements of attainment showing proof of completion.
You can still access OFT services through the traditional methods:
- call them on 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
- email us at
- chat to us at one of our service centres.
Check out the OFT website for more information about their online services.