ASQA cancels qualifications issued by Queensland security trainer

cancel-1The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has announced its intention to cancel 461 qualifications and statements of attainment issued to 236 individuals by the now-deregistered training provider Peacemakers Security Pty Ltd (Peacemakers).

ASQA cancelled Peacemakers’ registration as a provider of vocational education and training (VET) in July because of its failure to meet the national training standards. ASQA contends that the company was issuing qualifications and statements of attainment with almost no training being provided.

After reviewing the provider’s assessment records, ASQA has decided to cancel all qualifications and statements of attainment issued by Peacemakers between March and July this year because it believes the holders of those qualifications have not been properly assessed.

ASQA is endeavouring to contact – by post, email, SMS and social media – the individuals involved using details contained in the provider’s files and information from the Queensland security licensing body.

It is important that anyone who received a qualification and/or statement of attainment through Peacemakers between March and June this year read and understand the information sent to them.
The cancellation of the qualifications and/or statements of attainment is not automatic – individuals have the opportunity to submit evidence and information to ASQA as to why their qualifications should not be cancelled.

However, should ASQA proceed to cancel the qualifications and statements of attainment, individuals who still want to obtain a license to work in the security industry will have to regain their qualification through another training provider.

Any student who received a qualification from Peacemakers between March and June this year and has not received a letter – or would like more information – should contact the ASQA Info Line on 1300 701 801 or email