In this episode of the ASIAL Security Insider podcast, following in the wake of the Optus data breach, we look at the challenges of cyber security, identity theft and social engineering. How much data and what type of data do organisations really need to collect and what can be done to prevent these types of data breaches?
Guest: Dr Philip Bos
In addition to his Doctorate in advanced mathematics, Dr Bos is a specialised, Israeli and American trained, executive and personal protection expert; an authority in security risk management, counter-terrorism, kidnap prevention, emergency management, security contract management and procurement, firearms use and major project management. Dr Bos has played a key role in the development and establishment of numerous security departments within such iconic organisations as:
- News Corp National Security Division (2014 – 2018)
- Westfield Corporate Security Division (1995 – 2013)
- Westfield Emergency Management Team (1999 – 2013)
- PFSITAB Project Steering Committee in the Development of Firearms, Batons and Handcuffs educational resources (2007-2009)
- NSW Security Firearms Instructor Association (1995 – 2010)
- Australian and New Zealand Community Security Groups (1978 – 2000)