Cyber security vendor Radware has introduced Series III of its Hacker’s Almanac, which focuses on threat intelligence and cyber defence.
It is designed as a field guide for security analysts, professionals and executive decision-makers to enable them to better practice, anticipate, detect and respond to future cyber aggressions.
Pascal Geenens, director of threat intelligence at Radware, said: “Understanding the threat landscape is one thing. Extracting and leveraging actionable intelligence to reinforce an organisation’s defensive posture is another.
“Threat intelligence empowers organisations by providing them with the knowledge and visibility needed to make well-informed decisions about their security defences and respond faster to current and evolving threats.”
Series III of the Hacker’s Almanac:
- Outlines each phase of the threat intelligence lifecycle and explains how it can be used to help organisations improve their knowledge base and increase visibility across their threat surface and the global threat landscape.
- Demonstrates how to apply vetted intelligence from various types of internal and external sources, including telemetry, malware analysis, web monitoring tools, government agencies, and the security community.
- Offers details on cyber defence and how to achieve an improved security posture through actionable intelligence and defensive strategies.
“There is no silver bullet or single path to a strong security posture, and no shield is impenetrable,” said Geenens. “However, organisations that stay vigilant, shore up defences, and create a healthy threat intelligence program will be better prepared to respond and maintain business operations when the inevitable happens.”
A copy of Series III of the Hacker’s Almanac can be obtained here.
The first two series of The Hacker’s Almanac explored different classes of threat actors and their objectives, as well as common tactics, techniques, and procedures. Series I and Series II are available for download.