Managing Coronavirus: The Road Forward For Security

In this episode, we speak with Professor Raina MacIntyre, Head of the Biosecurity Research Program at the Kirby Institute. What can we expect with regard to the current pandemic over the coming months? How can security companies better protect staff in these challenging times and are we likely to experience further, similar outbreaks in the future?

Guest speaker

Professor Raina MacIntyre (MBBS Hons 1, FRACP, FAFPHM, M App Epid, PhD) is a NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity. She heads the Biosecurity Program at the Kirby Institute, which conducts research in epidemiology, vaccinology, bioterrorism prevention, mathematical modelling, genetic epidemiology, public health and clinical trials in infectious diseases. Her research falls under 4 areas: Personal protective equipment, Vaccinology, Epidemic response and emerging infectious diseases, and Bioterrorism prevention.

She leads a NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Epidemic Response, ISER, the first in Australia to be dedicated to epidemic response. She has over 380 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Her passion for field epidemiology led her to co-found the ARM network for Australian outbreak response. She is currently on the Global Accreditation Board for TEPHINET, the network of global field epidemiology programs. She also has an interest in the ethics of medicine, and specifically in dual-use research of concern, and has been on the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) committee for developing Guidelines For Responsible Conduct in Veterinary Research Identifying, Assessing and Managing Dual Use Research. She has research collaborations across the PLuS Alliance, with researchers from Arizona State University and Kings College London, and has an adjunct appointments at The College of Public Affairs and Community Solutions and the College of Health Solutions at ASU. She is also an adjunct Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She started a new cross-disciplinary journal, published by UNSW, Global Biosecurity, launched in February 2019.

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The podcast duration is 22 minutes and 31 seconds.